Cloud Paper Toilet Paper Review: A Dad Embracing Sustainability One Wipe At a Time

Overall Review of Cloud Paper Bamboo Toilet Paper
  • Softness
  • Absorbency
  • Thickness
  • Strength
  • Price

Overall Summary

Upgrade your bathroom experience and join the green revolution with Cloud Paper Bamboo Toilet Paper. By choosing this premium option, you’re not only treating yourself to luxurious comfort but also actively contributing to a more sustainable future. Say goodbye to conventional toilet paper and hello to an eco-friendly alternative that doesn’t compromise on quality.

As a 37-year-old dad who appreciates the finer things in life, I’ve always sought comfort and quality in the products I choose for my family. In the last couple of years, my wife and I made a conscious effort to go green and educate our boys about the importance of reusing and recycling. So, when it comes to making a switch in our household essentials, what better place to start than with toilet paper?

I remember the days living in the Theta Chi Fraternity house at Ball State University (Chirp Chirp!) and using single ply toilet paper. Hey, we had to save money for beer! Then after graduating and finding a job, you get to splurge a little (hello Cottonelle). Then you get older and realize the shape our Earth is in and your kids come home from school shaming you for not doing a better job earlier in life, ha. So now we’re more compelled to spring for some green alternatives in our home.

After doing some research we stumbled upon Cloud Paper’s bamboo toilet paper and paid to have a box delivered to the house. Many months and movements later, it’s safe to say that we won’t be turning back. There’s a lot to love about bamboo toilet paper and what Cloud Paper is up to. Speaking as a guy that enjoys his peace and quiet in the bathroom scrolling on his phone, you absolutely want to wipe with something that’s comfortable. Well, that’s what Cloud Paper toilet paper is–plus it is great for the Earth!

Allow me to make the case for switching to bamboo toilet paper and why you should start buying Cloud Paper toilet paper for your home.

What Are The Main Differences Between Bamboo Toilet Paper and Regular Toilet Paper?

Today’s toilet paper is made from chemical pulp (that sounds gross), which is essentially a combination of paper, cotton, hemp, and water. Paper comes from trees, and experts say roughly 800 rolls of toilet paper can be made from a fully mature tree. When you walk down the toilet paper aisle at the grocery store and think about that it makes you realize just how many trees have gone into toilet paper around the world.

One of the primary differences between bamboo and paper cotton toilet paper lies in their ecological footprint. Regular toilet paper production is notoriously water-intensive and requires the use of pesticides, which can have adverse effects on the environment. Plus, you need a ton of trees! And trees take a long time to grow and fully mature. On the other hand, bamboo is a highly sustainable resource, growing rapidly without the need for excessive water or chemicals. Choosing bamboo toilet paper allows us to reduce our impact on the planet without compromising on comfort. Plu your kids will stop giving you crap (no pun intended).

What Makes Cloud Paper The Best Bamboo Toilet Paper?

Cloud Paper stands out among the bamboo toilet paper options available for several reasons. First and foremost, its commitment to sustainability is evident in every aspect of the product. The paper is made from 100% bamboo, a renewable resource that grows abundantly and quickly, making it an eco-friendly alternative to traditional toilet paper options.

Another notable aspect of Cloud Paper is its dedication to transparency. Companies say they’re green, but how green? The company provides clear information about their production process and sources, ensuring that consumers like me feel confident in their choice. They prioritize ethical practices and partner with responsible forestry initiatives, further bolstering their sustainability credentials. Trust in a brand matters, and Cloud Paper does it right.

Talk To Me About The Feel

Now, let’s talk about the most critical aspect for a toilet paper connoisseur like myself: the feel. I must admit, I had my doubts when transitioning from the traditional cotton toilet paper to bamboo. You hear bamboo and you just think of the hard, tall sticks coming out of the ground. I’m supposed to wipe my keister with that?! Not exactly.

The texture of bamboo toilet paper is incredibly soft and gentle on the skin, providing a luxurious experience without sacrificing strength. We’re getting into TMI territory, but comparing old toilet paper to Cloud Paper bamboo toilet paper I was still using the same number of squares when wiping.

Cloud Paper’s bamboo toilet paper is exceptionally soft without compromising on durability. It strikes the perfect balance, literally having a cloud-like touch that doesn’t feel like I’m sacrificing my daily bathroom routine for Mother Earth. Plus, the sheets are thoughtfully crafted with a 3-ply design, (that’s right, 3-ply!) offering added thickness for maximum comfort and absorption.

How Eco-Friendly Really Is It?

I’m going to get on top of a soap box here, but I feel it really is important to start making changes towards green products. Even if it’s little ones. Choosing eco-friendly products is more than just a trend; it’s a responsibility we owe to future generations. Cloud Paper understands this, and their commitment to sustainability is commendable. By utilizing bamboo as their primary material, they’ve significantly reduced their carbon footprint compared to traditional toilet paper made from trees or cotton.

Additionally, Cloud Paper takes pride in their packaging, ensuring it’s made from recycled materials and is fully recyclable. Hell, even the paper protective roll wrapping and the paper tubing are all recyclable. The company also supports reforestation efforts by planting trees to offset the resources used during production. These eco-conscious initiatives align perfectly with our family’s values to buy greener, and it feels good to know we’re making a positive impact without sacrificing comfort.

It’s a Recycled, Green Product So It Must Be Super Expensive, Right?

In the words of college football legend Lee Corso, “Not so fast my friend!” When it comes to pricing, Cloud Paper offers competitive rates for their premium bamboo toilet paper. You can pick up a pack of 24 rolls (which really rolls out to 48 rolls) for $47.99While it may be slightly pricier than generic brands, the quality and eco-friendly nature of the product more than justify the cost.

What’s great is they offer a bulk shipment options of 80 rolls for $91.99! If you have a storage room (like we do) or a spare closet just stack up the extra rolls there and jump on the savings per roll!

Plus, the sheets are more absorbent, so you end up using less, making it more cost-effective in the long run. As a dad who enjoys the finer things in life, and wants to help make a difference for the Earth, I can confidently say that Cloud Paper is worth every penny.

Cloud Paper’s bamboo toilet paper has become a staple in our household. Its exceptional softness, strength, and commitment to sustainability have won us over. Not only have we upgraded our #2 wiping experience but also reduced our environmental impact. Cloud Paper exemplifies the perfect balance between luxury and sustainability, and myself along with my unchapped butt wholeheartedly recommend it to any family looking to make a greener choice without sacrificing comfort.